As the weather warms, it is important to protect your asphalt parking lot from the sun’s rays. Heat and UV rays can affect your parking. We offer a variety of services to help you maintain and repair your asphalt surfaces if that happens.
Climate Problems
During the summer months, asphalt heats up and expands due to higher temperatures. This causes the asphalt to become brittle and more prone to cracks. Then when it rains the water stays in the cracks.
During the winter the water freezes and expands, making the crack larger. When it thaws in the spring, it softens or weakens the foundation, making screeching more likely.
Faded Lines
The sun’s ultraviolet rays can quickly fade lines and other pavement markings. Asphalt lines in parking lots are important because they show drivers where to park their vehicles. At the same time, it is equally important that pedestrian crossings, fire lanes and spaces for the disabled are very well marked.
We recommend investing in striping after our paving contractors apply a new coat of sealant coating, to protect your parking lot from UV rays, precipitation, and automobile fluids.
Weakened Foundation
If the pavement is allowed to weaken due to ultraviolet rays, water can seep into the foundation and cause permanent damage. The best way to protect your parking lot is to invest in an asphalt sealer every 2 to 3 years.
Asphalt sealant forms a protective layer against the elements to prevent premature replacement of the parking lot.
Cracks and Potholes
Asphalt contracts and expands with fluctuating temperatures. Because asphalt expands with high temperatures, more cracks and potholes may appear in your parking lot. Rigid pavement deforms under high temperatures. Fortunately our paving contractors offer asphalt repair so you can protect the property value and curb appeal of your commercial building.
It is recommended to repair cracks and potholes before the autumn cold. Otherwise your asphalt parking lot will shrink in the cold temperatures and cause even more damage to your pavement surface.
Water Damage
Depending on broader weather patterns, there may be more rain during the summer. If you don’t have proper drainage, you may notice standing water in the middle of your parking lot. The more you ignore persistent puddles, the more likely you are to risk water seepage and permanent damage to your parking lot’s foundation.
If you have water in your parking lot days after it rains, call our asphalt contractors as soon as possible.